
Case studies
Auticiel & the OVE Foundation join forces
06 October 2023
Since 2019, Auticiel and the OVE Foundation have deployed the AMIKEO program in fifteen establishments, and trained more than 100 professionals to develop the autonomy and learning of the people supported!...

Case studies
Autism and ASD
How to use AMIKEO touchscreen tablets in IME? Feedback
06 October 2023
Investing in digital technology means investing in learning, autonomy and inclusion.
The Instituts Médico-Educatif (IME) "Créteil" and "Structure Ado" (94) of the network
Sésame Autisme Gestion Et Perspectives (SAGEP) network
were among the first establishments to equip themselves with an

Case studies
Autism and ASD
UEMA and SESSAD La Bourguette Autisme equip themselves with AMIKEO
06 October 2023
At the end of 2016, the association la Bourguette Autisme decided to take the digital step. Supported by Auticiel, the IME and SESSAD teams welcomed 14 AMIKEO tablets. Pascal Fauvel, Director of the Pôle Ressources Petite Enfance, explains his approach:...

Autism and ASD
Case studies
Amikeo tablet: a mother’s opinion
06 October 2023
Florence is the mother of an 18-year-old boy, Julien, with severe autism and a significant intellectual disability. She discovered Auticiel and the Amikeo tablet during the first confinement and shares their new daily life with us....