
Case studies
Autism and ASD
UEMA and SESSAD La Bourguette Autisme equip themselves with AMIKEO
06 October 2023
At the end of 2016, the association la Bourguette Autisme decided to take the digital step. Supported by Auticiel, the IME and SESSAD teams welcomed 14 AMIKEO tablets. Pascal Fauvel, Director of the Pôle Ressources Petite Enfance, explains his approach:...

Autism and ASD
Mental disability
Social Handy, an application for learning to be independent
06 October 2023

Autism and ASD
Auticiel Formations launches its new partnership with the Orange Foundation for a special “Caregivers 3.0” program
06 October 2023
In partnership with the Orange Foundation and the Centre de Ressources Autisme Ile-de-France, Auticiel Formations is rolling out the "Aidants 3.0" program to 100 families of children with autism....

Autism and ASD
Mental disability
Is digital technology a solution for people with mental and cognitive disabilities?
06 October 2023
People with mental or cognitive disabilities share common difficulties that limit their autonomy and affect their relationships with others. Appropriate methods therefore need to be put in place to promote the social integration of these people. Exploiting the potential of new technologies is one o...

Autism and ASD
Mental disability
Establishments: how to use digital technology with a disabled person during confinement? #covid
06 October 2023

Autism and ASD
Mental disability
From the virtual to the real: what transposition of learning?
06 October 2023
The digital revolution we are currently experiencing has found numerous applications in the scientific world, and more particularly in the medical field.