Amikeo Solidaire: Auticiel offers Amikeo tablet packs and training in French overseas departments and territories
Published: 06 October 2023
13 associations will benefit from tablet packs, Amikeo licenses and dedicated training for professionals and families.

A health crisis with far-reaching consequences
A state of health emergency has been declared in the French overseas departments and territories. This health crisis is sometimes compounded by social difficulties.
In view of the worsening situation, the prefects, in agreement with the government, have decided to step up measures to curb the spread of the epidemic (curfews, confinement, etc.).
For people with mental and cognitive disabilities, this means returning home, or being confined to an institution, with restricted access to school… a situation that is difficult to understand and live with, and which leads to behavioral problems. It is essential to offer support tools to relieve, accompany and help people, as well as those around them (professionals and family carers alike).
Sarah Cherruault, Auticiel’s president, went to meet several associations to understand their difficulties and gauge the value of digital tools at this time.
The associations are all positive and in demand of this type of tool to better support people.

Objectives of the AMIKEO Solidaire program in French overseas departments and territories
At a time when the effects of the health crisis are taking a heavy toll on people with mental and cognitive disabilities, it is essential to offer support tools to relieve, accompany and help these people, as well as those around them (professionals and family carers alike).
Thanks to the mobilization of Auticiel and the support of the Fondation la France s’Engage, 13 beneficiary associations will be able to receive digital kits adapted to people with ASD and/or intellectual disabilities, as well as free training to learn how to use them.
The objective? Distribute adapted digital tools so that confined adults with disabilities can keep in touch with their families and professionals, keep busy, soothe themselves and ensure educational continuity.
To ensure that these are secure and adapted, we have offered them a one-year subscription to AMIKEO applications.
See our article on the benefits of adapted digital tools during confinement.
Key figures

A program supported by the Fondation la France s'Engage
The Fondation la France s’engage supports and accompanies the development of social innovation projects throughout France. Through the various competitions and awards it organizes, France s’engage identifies, selects and supports the most relevant projects in the following fields: education, culture, health, solidarity, citizenship and the environment.
In the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, which has worsened the social situation of the most vulnerable, the Fondation la France s’engage has decided to support its Laureates who are committed to helping the most vulnerable beneficiaries. To this end, La France s’engage has decided to set up an exceptional financial support scheme for the entire community of Laureates la France s’engage since 2014 to enable them to increase their commitment during this period of social crisis to their most fragile beneficiaries.
In this context, it has provided financial support for the Amikeo Solidaire program in the French overseas departments and territories.
About the Amikeo Solidaire operation :
Since the beginning of the Covid 19 crisis, Auticiel has been committed to improving the daily lives of its beneficiaries. See our dedicated article
We have organized
digital support webinars for families
to help families manage their daily lives. We have also helped many professionals to get to grips with digital remote working tools. On April 2, we organized an operation
to raise awareness of the difficulties of confinement for people with autism spectrum disorders and, more generally, mental and/or cognitive disabilities.
690 one-year AMIKEO subscriptions were distributed free of charge by Auticiel to 136 sites.
300 professionals received free distance training in digital tools thanks to an adapted e-learning program and virtual classes.
650 family carers received free training through the“Aidants 3.0” program, thanks to support from the Orange Foundation and Unapei. A course to learn how to use adapted digital tools with your child to improve their daily life during this difficult period.
Thank you to all the associations working with us!