AMIKEO Day: a day of sharing practices in the field

Published: 06 October 2023

On May 28, Association la Sauvegarde 69 ‘s IME la Cerisaie welcomed some thirty professionals for the first “Amikeo Day” organized in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. This day of sharing practices brought together 5 establishments equipped with Amikeo tablets and applications and supported by the Auticiel team.

amikeo day auvergne rhône alpes project

The day is part ofa unique experimental project financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region.

4 associations are taking part in the project:Unapei Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Sauvegarde 69,Adapei 07 andAdapei 63.

Kimso and Auticiel contribute their assessment and support expertise.

A retrospective of a unique day.

amikeo day morning

In the morning, welcome coffee and welcome kits to take notes about the day.

Sandrine Chaix, regional advisor on disability issues, is present.

amikeo digital project objective

After an introduction, presentation of the project’s progress: some 50 children and adults with disabilities are benefiting from the Amikeo tablet program. 50 tablet packs have been deployed since October 2020, 60 professionals have been trained and 10 families have been sensitized.

usage analysis

Dr Julie Renaud, neuroscience researcher and Scientific Director of Auticiel, then presents the first data collected over 8 months. The good news is that usage is on the rise, with 40% of beneficiaries using Amikeo on a daily basis!

Kimso, a firm specializing in social impact, then presented the experimental protocol for assessing the effects of the project, both for disabled people and for professionals and establishments.

illustrated testimonial AMIKEO

The floor is open to professionals: the La Roche des Vents residential home (Adapei 07), the l’Erable FAM (Adapei 63), the Cerisaie IME and the Line Thévenin complex (Sauvegarde 69) are represented. Professionals present use cases for Amikeo applications, illustrated by videos.

Amikeo day professional testimonials

Amikeo tablet applications are used to communicate, learn, find your way around the day, gain independence, play… Professionals present both children and adult users.

For a first progress report, the testimonials are very rich!

Lamine uses his Amikeo tablet

Lamine, one of our users, came to present his use of the tablet as a daily aid.

lunch in the auticiel sun

Pause in the sun ☀️ for a lunch based on local produce, an opportunity for informal exchanges between participants who don’t yet know each other.

The afternoon is devoted to themed workshops. After a short ice-breaking game, therofessionals meet in small mixed groups to discuss the contribution of amikeo applications to communication, social interaction and daily autonomy. The aim: to share practices, answer questions and define future uses and content that could be shared.

Each group then reports back to the group.

It’s 4pm, Amikeo Day is over and we can’t wait for the next one!

A big thank you to all the participants and organizers for a day full of sharing and smiles, and see you next year 😊

Read also

Amikeo day – Adapei 79 06 October 2023
Auticiel x Handy Up 06 October 2023