Nicolas Coutant

Nicolas Coutant

Nicolas Coutant

Areas of expertise

  • Digital technology and disability
  • Personalized Project Coordination
  • Support for people with disabilities and their families.
  • Training for carers in the integration of digital tools into the supported person’s career path, particularly in the sheltered employment sector.

Career path

Trainer and Coach –

Inclusion & professional skills project manager


Project Manager

Association Vivre et Travailler Autrement

Specialized educator

  • Special Education and Home Care Service (0-20 years) Adapei-Aria de Vendée
  • Special Education and Home Care Service (16-25years) Adapei 49
  • Special Education and Home Care Service (0-20years) Adapei 49

Diplomas and training

Webinar participation

What if the keys to inclusion lay in our brains?

Participation in the national HANDICAP symposium

Levers for professional inclusion, Limoges, June 20, 2019

Participation in autism training days

Offered by Autistes Sans Frontières 85

Raising awareness of autism

In-house training ADAPEI 49

Mental pathologies


Behavioral problems in children with developmental disabilities


Systemic approach training


State Diploma in Specialized Education

Training experience

Training courses

For professional and family carers on the use of digital technology with people with mental or cognitive disabilities

Support for medico-social structures

Integrating digital tools into personalized projects for people with disabilities, particularly in the sheltered employment sector.



Last updated on May 29, 2024