The European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities is launched!
Published: 06 October 2023

As every year, the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (EWPED) will be a time for reflection and sharing to improve access to employment for people with disabilities. 2021 marks the 25th edition
What is Disability Employment Week?
For one week, the aim is to bring together companies, politicians, associations, civil society and, of course, disabled jobseekers.
SEEPH is an opportunity to examine the various measures in place to facilitate the professional integration of people with disabilities. It’s a time for sharing and exchanging information, and for raising awareness about the work of people with disabilities. As in previous years, LADAPT,Agefiph and FIPHFP are co-organizers of the event, and will be offering a number of joint events on the following themes: disabled youth and rurality.
In practical terms, what does it do?
At present, 12 million people in France are disabled, representing 7.8% of all jobseekers. raise public awareness of the integration of disabled people into the world of work. But more concrete actions are also being carried out, with events being organized all over France to bring companies and jobseekers together: HandiMouv’Emploi, forum, jobdating, ESAT open days… You can find a complete list of events here
- Attend a videoconference on “Apprenticeship, employment and disability”.
- Visit ESATs in your area
- Take part in a Handicafé on the civil service in Lille
- Take part in a mental health recovery workshop in Lyon
And what about Auticiel?
Auticiel has been working for years to integrate disabled people into the world of work through a number of partnerships, but above all thanks to its AMIKEO for Work program, digital tablets for disabled workers.
Thanks to its customizable applications, AMIKEO has become a key tool for many workers in technical workshops, green spaces, catering and cleaning. Procedures are visual and audible, planning is simplified, and exercises are used for training… Workers are active participants, creating their own materials with their instructors and peers. At work, AMIKEO stimulates autonomy, pairaidance, skills development and self-evaluation.
Discover AMIKEO for Work on video 👇