An Amikeo Day in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, looking back on the 2022 edition 🚀

Published: 06 October 2023

Each year, a much-anticipated meeting brings together five establishments that are testing the Amikeo solution in the Auvergne RhĂ´ne-Alpes region. The Amikeo Day is an opportunity for professionals to share their experience of this solution, which helps people with learning disabilities to communicate, interact socially and thus enjoy autonomy in their daily lives.

The 2022 edition was organized byAdapei 63, with Sauvegarde 69 andAdapei 07 in attendance, and the scheme’s pilot: Unapei Auvergne RhĂ´ne-Alpes.


A day dedicated to sharing practices...

This inter-associative event enables professionals to compare their expertise, share their practices and work together to imagine new developments around the Amikeo program, in the service of the children and adults they support.

For Bruno RIBIERE, local manager at the FAM: “For us, Amikeo Day is a time to exchange ideas about Auticiel tools. This day gives us the opportunity to meet other professionals and structures with whom we can discuss and compare the different possible uses. The FAM l’Érable de Chignat, which is hosting this event, will also have the opportunity to present its work with Amikeo tablets and to promote it during this meeting”.

...and the presentation of an impact study on the Amikeo solution

KIMSO was commissioned to carry out a study to assess the impact of deploying the Amikeo solution on the autonomy of beneficiaries and plant practices. A summary of this study will be presented at Amikeo Day.

Auticiel collects various types of data, which are analyzed and used, among other things, to monitor and adjust or steer deployment projects, for example :

  • 53% of usage is related to communication, with the use of pictograms and text-to-speech. The tablet is the person’s communication tool.
  • 34% of usage time is devoted to autonomy, with the use of timetables, sequences and virtual timers.
  • Learning-related applications account for 12% of total usage time

Bruno RIBIERE confirms: “Feedback on the use of Auticiel tablets has been very positive! Day-to-day use by professionals not only improves many communication situations, but also enables the people we support to make choices they might not have been able to make under normal circumstances. The medium-term objective is to be able to use the Auticiel solution for specific cognitive workshop training that can be generalized to everyday activities.

Adapei 63, at the forefront of Amikeo!

Adapei 63 is an association under the law of 1901, created in 1959 by parents. It brings together volunteers, parents, friends and people with mental disabilities, whether or not associated with physical impairments. With 634 member families, for over 60 years Adapei 63 has been fighting for support, recognition of the rights and duties of mentally handicapped people and their place in society.

As a management and activist association, we work tirelessly to innovate and develop new reception and support solutions, so that no one is left without a solution! Adapei 63 is part of a national movement through its membership of Unapei, the leading federation of French associations representing and defending the interests of people with learning disabilities and their families. With 550 regional, departmental and local associations working for an inclusive society.

At the Foyer MĂ©dicalisĂ© d’Accueil L’Érable, 62% of usage is devoted to communication, with the tablet being the resident’s individualized and personalized tool for daily communication. 34% of usage is dedicated to setting up time markers, facilitating predictability through the use of visual timers.

Sauvegarde 69 and Adapei 07 were there, just like last year!

Sauvegarde 69
is an activist and management association working in the social and medico-social sector. Its mission is to support people in vulnerable situations so that, whatever their difficulties, they can live with dignity, find their place in society, and exercise their citizenship to the best of their abilities.

It was Sauvegarde 69 who welcomed us last year, during the previous Amikeo Day.

Adapei 07 welcomes and supports people with disabilities throughout their lives, both in its establishments and in the mainstream. It works to ensure that all people with intellectual disabilities, with or without associated disorders, have access to a reception and support solution, and that they play a full part in an inclusive and supportive society. Adapei 07 also defends the rights of families to ensure that the onset of disability is not synonymous with social exclusion.

Read also

Amikeo day – Adapei 79 06 October 2023
Auticiel x Handy Up 06 October 2023