AMIKEO suite tutorial: updating apps from the manager
Published: 06 October 2023

To take advantage of new features and applications in the AMIKEO suite, remember to update your manager and applications regularly!
motto of Auticiel
is to continually improve our applications so that they meet the needs of people with autism, ASD and/or intellectual disabilities. We’re constantly developing new features and applications based on your suggestions.
How do I update the AMIKEO manager and applications?
Before starting, check that your tablet is connected to the Internet (
see the video to connect your tablet to WIFI).
Once your tablet is connected to the network, follow the steps below:

1 - From your Launcher, in Helper mode, open the Manager app:

2 - Press Synchronize, and wait for the animation to finish:
Apps may download at the end of this step, so please wait until the download is complete before updating them.
The duration of this step depends on the quality of your Internet network.

3 - Press Update all or select the apps to be updated:
For each app, select Install then OK.

4 - For each app, the update date appears:
All your apps are now up to date, and we hope you enjoy using them!
Further information
Visit our website for more information on
our applications
that you can
adapt and personalize throughout your use.
If you have any questions, comments or problems, please do not hesitate to
contact customer service
. Committed to the quality of our service, we’re always happy to hear from you.