Dr Séverine Estival
Dr Séverine Estival

Areas of expertise
- Supporting medical-social structures in integrating digital tools into personalized projects for people with disabilities
- Participation in the design of tools to develop the autonomy of disabled people
- Presentations at national and international scientific conferences and symposia
- Design experimental evaluation protocols for methods and tools
Career path
Scientific Manager – Trainer and Coach
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique – Université Paris-Saclay
Psychology Laboratory – University of Bordeaux
Diplomas and training
Doctorate in Psychology
Bordeaux University
Master of Research in Psychology
Bordeaux University
Training experience
Training courses
For professional and family carers on the use of digital technology with people with mental or cognitive disabilities
Support for medico-social structures
Integrating digital tools into personalized projects for people with disabilities, particularly in the sheltered employment sector.
- Estival, S., Demulier, V., Renaud, J., & Martin, J. C. (2024). Training work-related social skills in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder using a tablet-based intervention. Human-Computer Interaction, 39(1-2), 96-108.
- Estival, S., Martin, J. C., Renaud, J., & Demulier, V. (2023). État des lieux des techniques d’intervention pour l’entraînement des habiletés sociales de travailleurs présentant un trouble neurodéveloppemental. Psychological Practices.
- Camblats, A. M., Mathey, S., Robert, C., Estival, S., Chevalère, J., Maire, J., … & Postal, V. (2023). Interference effect of food and emotional stimuli in Stroop-like tasks for children and adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 45(2), 132-147.
- Chevalère, J., Camblats, A. M., Laurier, V., Mourre, F., Estival, S., & Postal, V. (2022). The influence of emotional contexts on mental flexibility in Prader-Willi syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66(1-2), 133-150.
- Estival, S., Laurier, V., Mourre, F., & Postal, V. (2021). Improvement of planning abilities in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 24(7), 478-493.
- Estival, S., Chevalere, J., Laurier, V., Mourre, F., Tricot, J., & Postal, V. (2021). Study of the deficit in planning abilities of adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 117, 104056.
- Estival, S., Krasny-Pacini, A., Laurier, V., Maugard, C., Thuilleaux, D., & Postal, V. (2019). Cognitive training targeting planning dysfunction in adults with prader-willi syndrome: brief report of a study protocol. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 22(8), 569-575.
Last updated on May 29, 2024