Vanessa Coutant
Vanessa Coutant

Areas of expertise
- Autism and ASD
- Trainer for professional and family carers in the use of digital technology with people with autism and intellectual disabilities
- Supporting medico-social structures in integrating digital tools into personalized projects for disabled people
- Supervision of professionals in charge of supporting people with ASD (assessment, development and follow-up of personalized projects)
- Parental guidance (co-construction of their child’s project, support in setting up educational tools and mastering support strategies)
Career path
Trainer and coach
Co-founder, Educator, Coordinator
Association Autistes sans frontières 85
Diplomas and training
DU Neuropsychology and learning disabilities
Under the supervision of M ROY Arnaud- Université d’Angers
Diplôme d’état d’Éducateur de jeunes enfants
École Normale Sociale de l’Ouest, Angers
Specific training courses
- “Autism and educational strategies” (EDI formation)
- ABA method (Nantes psychology practice)
- TEACCH program (under the direction of Dr Judy Pope)
- Management of maladaptive behavior (EDI training), (CRA)
- Cursus CEPRO 1 “Epsilon at school” specific ABA -Montessori tutoring
- ESDM- DENVER model (early ASD) (Véronique CHIASSON)
Last updated on May 6, 2021