Dr Maëla Trémaud
Dr Maëla Trémaud

Area of expertise
- Digital and ASD
- Diagnostic and functional assessment
- Supporting adults with ASD
- Sensoriality and ASD
Career path
- ASD/ESAT mobile team of the Transversal Services and Support Department (Adapei 64)
- Autism Resource Center of Haute-Normandie (CRAHN)
- Service d’Education Spéciale et de Soins A Domicile (SESSAD) Troubles Envahissants du Développement (Adapei 40)
- National education systems
Diplomas and training
Doctorate in psychology of normal and pathological development
Under the supervision of Carole Tardif, Université d’Aix Marseille, Centre de recherche PSYCLE
Master 2 Professional and Research – Developmental psychology, disability and prevention in children
University of Rouen
Master 2 Professionnel MESOP – Education and care of people with special needs Professional Specialization – Autism and PDD
University of Rouen
Master 1 – Human and Social Sciences Psychology specialization
Bordeaux University
Training experience
Training courses
For professional and family carers:
- understanding ASD
- the use of digital technology with people with ASD and/or ID
- managing problem behaviors
Support for medico-social structures
Supporting people with ASD
Integrating digital tools into personalized projects for people with disabilities
Last updated on May 10, 2023