Meeting with Mme Cluzel, Secretary of State for the Disabled at the 2017 Unapei Congress.
Published: 06 October 2023

It’s an edition of the
UNAPEI Congress
was once again rich in encounters.
The event was marked by new encounters and the pleasure of meeting up with our partners and establishments to exchange ideas.

AMIKEO presented to Mme CLUZEL, Secretary of State for the Disabled, and Mr GATEAU, President of UNAPEI.
A rewarding and motivating meeting with
Secretary of State for the Disabled, whose vision and knowledge of the field
whose vision and knowledge of the field are a source of hope for families. Sophie Cluzel recently presented her priorities for disability policy to the Council of Ministers.
priorities of her disability policy
policy, a key priority of the French President’s five-year term in office. Among them, the Secretary of State stressed the importance of developing theaccessibility of digital services and supporting technological innovation.
On the left, a photo of Sarah Cherruault, President of Auticiel, presenting the Auticiel tablet to Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State for the Disabled, and Luc Gateau, President of UNAPEI.
Exchanges and meetings with UNAPEI associations
First of all, we meet with our associative partners, as well as other suppliers, for discussions and retrospectives on the many innovative projects we’ve been working on together over the past 12 months. What emerges is a feeling of dynamism and a determination to continue in the direction we’ve set ourselves, with a view to implementing tools and methods aimed at better integration of people. Auticiel’s solution for autonomy,
is already widely deployed at the event’s host, the
which was able to showcase its full range of features.
It was therefore with great pride, and in keeping with this ambitious trajectory, that Auticiel had the opportunity to present the
solution to Ms Sophie Cluzel and Mr Luc Gateau, President of UNAPEI, both of whom are keen to see the solution deployed more widely across the country.
Major initiatives and new measures are therefore planned for this year, and at Auticiel we’re ready to march 🙂 full steam ahead towards the change that lies ahead!
About framework agreements
As part of its partnership with Unapei, Auticiel donates part of its sales to the association, while actively participating in the establishment of a more inclusive and supportive society, and taking concrete action to improve the autonomy of disabled people. Auticiel is also committed to offering Unapei-affiliated associations and establishments preferential rates on a catalog of products and services.
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