How to use AMIKEO touchscreen tablets in IME? Feedback
Published: 06 October 2023

Investing in digital technology means investing in learning, autonomy and inclusion.
The Instituts Médico-Educatif (IME) “Créteil” and “Structure Ado” (94) of the network
Sésame Autisme Gestion Et Perspectives (SAGEP) network
were among the first establishments to equip themselves with an
tablet packs in 2015. The Créteil IME is a day care center for 30 boys and girls aged 4 to 14, and the “Structure Ado” is a day care center for 15 teenagers aged 14 to 20. All have pervasive developmental disorders, including autism.
Preparing for the arrival of tablets and their use
To speak of “tablets” is a metonymy. Much more than the tablet itself, we need to focus on the software applications that will be used to meet the objectives identified in the user’s individualized project.
Marie-Christine Viera, director of the two facilities, has worked with her teams to define specific uses for each young person:
“The projects for the little ones are more focused on academic learning. In the case of older children, we’ll try to support socialization and focus on the use of the
AMIKEO tablet
in everyday situations”.
Once the project was defined
teams received on-site training
by Auticiel. The aim of the training is to discover how to develop the autonomy and promote the social participation of people with autism through the use of digital technology. This was an opportunity to delve deeper into the school’s digital project and discover all the customization possibilities offered by AMIKEO tablets and applications.
Why choose the AMIKEO tablet and its specialized applications?
The digital project of the two IMEs is particularly focused on communication, socialization and learning, which can be addressed by the wide range of AUTICIEL
variety of AUTICIEL
In addition to the applications, the hardware is delivered turnkey, with pre-installed applications, so there’s no need for technical start-up operations. What’s more, Auticiel’s AMIKEO tablet pack is sturdy, thanks to an ultra-impact-resistant shell and screen protector. Theergonomics have also been adapted: multi-position easel, streamlined home interface, enlarged icons… Its dual-interface system enables the caregiver to set up a simple and reassuring interface for the user, and thus secure access to settings, the Internet… This is essential if you want to promote autonomy in complete confidence!
When setting up a project, it’s sometimes easy to fall into preconceived ideas about the levels and preferences of young people. And yet, when testing applications with them, it’s sometimes surprising to discover unsuspected interests and capabilities. “ What we’re seeing is that people who we thought wouldn’t be interested in the AMIKEO Tablet are actually totally into it, and that’s great!”comments the director.
To fit in with the individualized project and facilitate evaluation, theAMIKEO Tablet transmits all usage statistics to caregivers via a secure web space. Professionals and families alike can monitor progress remotely.
“As a manager, I also see the economic reality: make fewer photocopies, less label lamination,… A large budget is currently allocated to the implementation of paper tools.”
3 tips from the plant manager :
- The AMIKEO tablet is an everyday tool : tablets shouldn’t just be used as teaching aids, they should also be used in everyday life. It’s a support for communication in all areas of life, a communication medium that will also be involved in interaction, learning, socialization and leisure activities.
- The introduction of AMIKEO tablets in a school is a team effort: the digital project must not be linked to a single person in a team, but the tablet must be a tool shared by all workshops in line with the young person’s individualized project.
- Informal times to learn about the tool: We need to have learning times, working times with the people we support, and also leave them time for informal play. That’s how we started out: first we let the young people get to grips with it freely, and now we’re taking the liberty of demanding certain things in workshops. However, you need to have defined strategies and rules for use , otherwise you can lose control!
allows the person to live in a traditional social environment, and to use this tool to move from one structure to another, or from the family to the establishment, with a real link. It’s a communication facilitator”.