Establishments: how to use digital technology with a disabled person during confinement? #covid
Published: 06 October 2023

At this difficult time, our thoughts are with disabled children and adults, their families, professionals and associations, for whom confinement is a real ordeal.
Bravo and thank you for your mobilization 👏!
The Auticiel team supports you and organizes free of charge :
- webinars to help your families manage daily life at home thanks to digital technology
- webinars to help your teams use remote working tools
Your usage points and training sessions can be carried out remotely on request. Our support team is also available Monday to Friday by telephone or by e-mail at
Let us know what you need, and we’ll get organized to help you!

Do you have AMIKEO tablets? Make them available to families!
At home, the AMIKEO tablet can be a real support for families and ensure educational continuity for children confined to the home:
- To structure the day with the timetable
- Learn how to use barrier techniques with fun tutorials
- To work on everyday autonomy
- To develop learning
- To keep busy and calm
Lend your AMIKEO tablets to families in confinement. We'll go with them!
Step 1: Identify AMIKEO tablets available for loan
- These may be tablets used for shared activities, or non-individualized tablets.
- A tablet that has already been individualized must be made available to its usual beneficiary. It is imperative to allow for pedagogical continuity at home, especially when it’s a crutch tool: communication tool, timetable, sequentials…
Step 2: Lend them to families in need
- With your teams, identify the families who need educational and/or occupational tools for their child.
- Sign a tablet availability agreement with her (you’ll find a model below to download with the instructions). If necessary, you can ask them for a certificate of civil liability or a deposit cheque.
- Remember to disinfect the tablet when loaning it (screen, shell, charger, box) and provide them with the instructions (downloadable below), and respect the barrier gestures when transferring it.
Step 3: We accompany families from a distance, together
- Thanks to Appcenter, your teams can remotely monitor families’ use of tablets, give them advice and share teaching aids.
- Every Monday and Wednesday, we organize a free webinar to help families get started, and provide them with educational content to download for educational activities on their tablet.
Containment facilities: use tablets to communicate with the outside world too!
To keep you connected during confinement, AMIKEO Tablets are also useful for :
- See each other remotely, with videoconferencing applications (Skype, Meet… or sites like
) - Take photos, film videos and send them to families
- Sending e-mails with an e-mail application
For your employees, 4 tools for working remotely and on-demand support
At Auticiel, as you know, we have a real culture of remote working. Here is our selection of 4 tools you can use:
for videoconferencing
a company chat to stay in touch
to organize your day
for creating and sharing documents online
Do you need advice and help setting up these tools? We offer free webinars to help your employees implement these tools. Contact your development manager or send an e-mail to :
Let us know what you need, and we’ll get organized to help you!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones,
The Auticiel team.