Autism & new technologies training: register now!
Published: 06 October 2023

The training organization
is providing a series of regional training courses on “Using digital technology to support autism” as part of the Action Collective Nationale de l’OPCO Santé (ex.UNIFAF) in 2019 and 2020. This training course is offered in partnership with
List of sessions by region
Update date: June 27, 2019. In-house sessions are available on request from your Opco Santé contact.
Ile-de-France (Paris)
Group 1: March 28 & 29 + April 12, 2019 – Finished
Group 2: May 16 & 17 + 29, 2019 – Finished
Group 3: September 12 & 13 + 27, 2019 – Sold out
Group 4: October 7 & 8 + 22. 2019
→ Register
Auvergne-Rhône Alpes
Group 1: June 3 & 4 + 25, 2019 – Lyon – Finished
Group 2: Sept. 9 & 10 + 25. 2019 – Chambéry – Sold out
Group 3: Oct. 3 & 4 + 18 2019 – Valencia
→ Register
Group 4: November 12 & 13 + 25. 2019- Clermont-Ferrand
→ Register
Group 5: Nov. 18 & 19 + Dec. 2 2019 – Le Puy-en-Velay
→ Register
PACA and Corsica
Group 1: Sept. 26 & 27 + Oct. 10 2019 – Aix-en-Provence
→ Register
Group 2: Sept. 16 & 17 + Oct. 2 2019 – Avignon
→ Register
Group 3: Nov. 21 & 22 2019 + Dec. 6 2019 – Nice
→ Register
Group 4: Oct. 15 & 16 + Nov. 4 2019 – Corté
→ Register
Group 1: May 2 & 3 + 15, 2019 – Caen – Finished
Group 2: June 17 & 18 + July 2, 2019 – St Lô – Finished
Group 3: October 10 & 11 + 24, 2019 – Evreux → Register
Group 4: Sept. 23 & 24 + October 7, 2019 – Yvetôt
→ Register
Great East
Group 1: Sept. 2 & 3 + Sept. 19 2019 – Châlons-en-Champagne
→ Register
Group 2: Oct. 14 & 15 + Nov. 8 2019 – Strasbourg
→ Register
Group 3: 4 & 5 + Nov. 19 2019 – Metz or Nancy
→ Register
Group 1: Sept. 12 & 13 + Oct. 1 2019 – Bordeaux
→ Register
Group 2: Oct. 7 & 8 + Oct. 17 2019 – Limoges
→ Register
Group 3: Nov. 25 & 26 + Dec. 9 2019 – Niort
→ Register
Group 1 : Sept. 30 & Oct 01. + Oct. 14 2019 – Lille
→ Register
Group 2: Nov. 28 & 29 + Dec. 10 2019 – Amiens
→ Register
Occitanie – Full sessions. Waiting for new dates.
Pays de la Loire – Full sessions. Waiting for new dates.
Presentation of the pedagogical approach
In recent years, scientific literature and field experience have shown that new technologies such as touch-screen tablets, computer software and robotics can provide real leverage in the day-to-day compensation of people with autism (visual diaries, synthesized voices, sequencers, timers, etc.).
The effectiveness and usefulness of these digital tools for beneficiaries depends on how they are chosen, mobilized, personalized and evaluated. It is therefore essential to support caregivers and professionals in getting to grips with thesetools, in order to guarantee effective use and provide a framework to limit potential negative effects.
With the help of a complete digital teaching kit, the “Using digital tools to support autism” training course aims to :
- Present the theoretical foundations and the range of digital solutions adapted to people with ASD: software, tablets, watches, robots…
- Identify the advantages and limitations of using these tools, and present recommendations for their use.
- Handle several solutions through workshops to understand how they work and their scope of use.
- Present use cases and testimonials to benefit from the perspective of experienced users
- Present a methodology for implementing tools in order to choose, personalize and evaluate them according to the beneficiary’s profile and project.
- Define criteria with professionals to frame the project and better guide the purchase.
Days 1 & 2 (face-to-face): Any professional wishing to acquire knowledge concerning the use of digital tools in the support of people with ASD.
Day 3 (morning webinar): Supervisory staff.
Course duration
14h training spread over two days + a 3h half-day for supervisory staff on project set-up and purchasing decision support.