Auticiel Formations launches its new partnership with the Orange Foundation for a special “Caregivers 3.0” program
Published: 06 October 2023

In partnership with the Orange Foundation and the Centre de Ressources Autisme Ile-de-France, Auticiel Formations is rolling out the “Aidants 3.0” program to 100 families of children with autism.
For families caring for a child or adult with autism, the health crisis linked to COVID-19 is a real ordeal. It’s hard to explain restrictions, barrier gestures, confinement and disruption of habits. Thanks to the Caregivers 3.0 program, families can teach their loved ones how to use specialized digital applications to better manage daily life.
Through a program alternating “e-learning” and “coaching” by experts, caregivers will be accompanied free of charge in the discovery and implementation of over sixty specialized digital applications, thanks to the financial support of the Orange Foundation. The objective is variable and personalized according to the profile: developing autonomy, communicating, structuring the day, supporting the arrival of new routines, working on hygiene, keeping busy, or calming down.
Digital tools: a lever for the inclusion of people with autism
The figures in the 4th autism plan are a reminder that our society needs to make progress when it comes to the inclusion of people with autism: only 1/3 of autistic children attend school, 0.5% of autistic adults have a job in an ordinary environment, and 11.6% have their own home.
According to the World Health Organization, digital tools are an effective lever for inclusion: ” technical aids are powerful tools for improving the autonomy and social participation of people with disabilities.
They can replace or complement support services, with a probable reduction in the cost of care.
Ergonomic, mobile, fun and non-stigmatizing, tactile digital tools offer simple, highly intuitive interaction , even for very disabled users. With the right software, touchscreen tablets and smartphones become ” assistive technologies“, crutches that extend the presence of the carer, while guiding the user to do things for themselves.
Numerous scientific publications testify to the benefits of software for people with autism. Thanks to adapted applications, people with autism can learn to recognize emotions, find their way through the day with a visual timetable, communicate with any interlocutor thanks to images and the synthesized voice of their tablet, or work thanks to sound and video guidance.