Delphine Pignon

Delphine Pignon

Areas of expertise

  • Training and support for medico-social structures in the integration of digital tools into personalized projects for people with disabilities (ASD, intellectual deficiency, polyhandicap).
  • Training courses for social and medico-social professionals in the field of mental health
  • Facilitating discussion groups with family carers
  • Diagnostic and functional assessment of ASD
  • Facilitation of social skills groups and in-home support for children, adolescents and adults with ASD

Career path


  • Service d’Education Spécifique et de Soins A Domicile (SESSAD) TSA (Adapei 33)
  • Maison d’Accueil Spécialisée (MAS) and Accueil de Jour (Adapei 33)
  • Follow-up and rehabilitation care (Hospital)
  • Health network (MDRS 24)



  • Trainer and coach (Auticiel)
  • Mental Health First Aid Trainer (PSSM France)
  • Mental health trainer and discussion group leader (UNAFAM)

Diplomas and training

Master 2 Professionnel – Clinical psychology option Health psychology

Bordeaux University

Bachelor’s degree – Clinical psychology

Bordeaux University

Bachelor’s degree – Anthropology

Bordeaux University

Specific training :

  • Mental Health First Aid (PSSM France)
  • Suicide risk prevention (SAFED 24)
  • ABA level 2 (Formavision)
  • PECS level 1 (PECS France)
  • Social skills groups (GEFCO program)



Last updated on May 29, 2024